Are Bodybuilding Supplements Tainted With Steroids?

What is a steroid?

Steroids are anabolic substances that enhance the performance of many sports men including bodybuilders.

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Recently the worlds largest bodybuilding site was raided for selling steroids. According to several news articles a few products were found to contain anabolic steroids. The products confiscated included the following ingredients: Madol, Tren, Superdrol, Androstenedione, and Turinabol.

How can make a huge mistake such as this one? Did they really distribute products containing steroids?

The answer is actually very simple. The ingredients mentioned are considered to have steroidal effects but were not considered steroids before. Some years back, the FDA allowed the so-called pro-hormones to be sold legally. This pro-hormones are substances which when broken down by the body become synthetic testosterone. A form of steroid.

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Technically these pro-hormones are not steroids but turn into steroids when introduced to the body. Simply put the listed materials that the FDA tested and found to be active in some products were not previously classified as steroids.

It did not help that these products were marketed to have “steroid-like” effects. They are nowhere near as potent the real testosterone based steroids. But claims like these did attract the attention of many buyers. Unfortunately, it also caught the attention of the FDA.

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